Using the Calendar app


The Hub Calendar app works similarly to other calendar applications you can sync your Hub calendars and events with.

When you first access the Calendar app, a default first calendar will be created for you.

Managing your calendars

Create a new Calendar

If you plan on setting up a new calendar without transferring any old data from your previous calendar, creating a new calendar is the way you should go.

  1. Click on + New Calendar in the left sidebar.

  2. Type in a name for your new calendar, e.g. “Work”, “Home” or “Marketing planning”.

  3. After clicking on the checkmark, your new calendar is created and can be synced across your devices, filled with new events and shared with your friends and colleagues.


Import a Calendar

If you want to transfer your calendar and their respective events to your Hub instance, importing is the best way to do so.

  1. Click on the settings icon labeled with Settings & Import at the left bottom.

  2. After clicking on + Import Calendar you can select one or more calendar files from your local device to upload.

  3. The upload can take some time and depends on how big the calendar you import is.


The Hub Calendar application only supports iCalendar-compatible .ics-files, defined in RFC 5545.

Edit, Export, or Delete a Calendar

Sometimes you may want to change the color or the entire name of a previously imported or created calendar. You may also want to export it to your local hard drive or delete it forever.


Please keep in mind that deleting a calendar is an irreversible action. After deletion, there is no way of restoring the calendar unless you have a local backup.

  1. Click on the three-dot menu of the respective calendar.

  1. Click on Edit name, Edit color, Export or Delete.

Sharing calendars

You may share your calendar with other users or groups. Calendars may be shared with write access or read-only. When sharing a calendar with write access, users with whom the calendar is shared will be able to create new events into the calendar as well as edit and delete existing ones.


Publishing a calendar

Calendars can be published through a public link to make them viewable (read-only) to external users. You may create a public link by opening the share menu for a calendar and clicking on « + » next to « Share link ». Once created you can copy the public link to your clipboard or send it through email.

There’s also an « embedding code » that provides an HTML iframe to embed your calendar into public pages.

Multiple calendars can be shared together by adding their unique tokens to the end of an embedded link. Individual tokens can be found at the end of each calendar’s public link. The full address will look like<token1>-<token2>-<token3>

To change the default view or date of an embedded calendar, you need to provide a URL that looks like<token>/<view>/<date>. In this url you need to replace the following variables:

  • <token> with the calendar’s token,

  • <view> with one of dayGridMonth, timeGridWeek, timeGridDay, listMonth, listWeek, listDay. The default view is dayGridMonth and the normally used list is listMonth,

  • <date> with now or any date with the following format <year>-<month>-<day> (e.g. 2019-12-28).

On the public page, users are able to get the subscription link for the calendar and export the whole calendar directly.

Subscribe to a Calendar

You can subscribe to iCal calendars directly inside of your Hub. By supporting this interoperable standard (RFC 5545) we made Hub Calendar compatible to Google Calendar, Apple iCloud, and many other calendar servers you can exchange your calendars with, including subscription links from calendars published on other Hub instances, as described above.

  1. Click on + New calendar it in the left sidebar

  2. Click on + New subscription from link (read-only)

  3. Type in or paste the link of the shared calendar you want to subscribe to.

Finished. Your calendar subscriptions will be updated regularly.


Subscriptions are refreshed every week by default. Your administrator may have changed this setting.

Subscribe to a Holiday Calendar

New in version 4.4.

You can subscribe to a read-only holiday calendar provided by Thunderbird.

  1. Click on + New calendar in the left sidebar

  2. Click on + Add holiday calendar

  3. Find your country or region and click Subscribe

Managing Events

Create a new event

Events can be created by clicking in the area when the event is scheduled. In the day- and week-view of the calendar you just click, pull and release your cursor over the area when the event is taking place.


The month-view only requires a single click into the area of the target day.


After that, you can type in the event’s name (e.g. Meeting with Lukas), choose the calendar in which you want to save the event to (e.g. Personal, Work), check and concretize the time span or set the event as an all-day event. Optionally you can specify a location and a description.

If you want to edit advanced details such as the Attendees or Reminders, or if you want to set the event as a repeating event, click on the More button to open the advanced sidebar editor.


If you always want to open the advanced sidebar editor instead of the simple event editor popup, you can set a Skip simple event editor checkmark in the Settings & Import section of the app.

Clicking on the blue Create button will finally create the event.

Edit, duplicate, or delete an event

If you want to edit, duplicate or delete a specific event, you first need to click on the event.

After that you will be able to re-set all event details and open the advanced sidebar editor by clicking on More.

Clicking on the Update button will update the event. To cancel your changes, click on the close icon on the top right of the popup or sidebar editor.

If you open the sidebar view and click the three-dot menu next to the event name, you have the option to export the event as an .ics file or remove the event from your calendar.



If you delete events they will go into your trash bin. You can restore accidentally deleted events there.

You can also export, duplicate or delete an event from the basic editor.


Invite attendees to an event

You may add attendees to an event to let them know they’re invited. They will receive an email invitation and will be able to confirm or cancel their participation to the event. Attendees may be other users on your Hub instances, contacts in your address books and direct email addresses. You may also change the level of participation per attendee, or disable the email information for a specific attendee.


Changed in version 25: Attendee email response links no longer offer inputs to add a comment or invite additional guests to the event.


When adding other Hub users as attendees to an event, you may access their free-busy information if available, helping you determine the best time slot for your event. Set your working hours to let others know when you are available. Free-busy information is only available for other users on the same Hub instance.


Only the calendar owner can send out invitations. The guests are not able to do that, whether they have written access to the event’s calendar or not.


Assign rooms and resources to an event

Similar to attendees you can add rooms and resources to your events. The system will make sure that each room and resource is booked without conflict. The first time a user adds the room or resource to an event, it will show as accepted. Any further events at overlapping times will show the room or resource as rejected.


Rooms and resources are not managed by Hub itself and the Calendar app will not allow you to add or change a resource. Your Administrator has to install and possibly configure resource back ends before you can use them as a user.

Add attachments to events

You can import attachments to your events either by uploading them or adding them from files



Attachments can be added while creating new events or editing existing ones. Newly uploaded files will be saved in files by default in the calendar folder in the root directory.

You can change the attachment folder by going to Calendar settings in the bottom left corner and changing default attachments location.


Set up reminders

You can set up reminders to be notified before an event occurs. Currently, supported notification methods are:

  • Email notifications

  • Hub notifications

You may set reminders at a time relative to the event or at a specific date.



Only the calendar owner and people or groups with whom the calendar is shared with write access will get notifications. If you don’t get any notifications but think you should


If you synchronize your calendar with mobile devices or other 3rd-party clients, notifications may also show up there.

Add recurring options

An event may be set as “recurring”, so that it can happen every day, week, month or year. Specific rules can be added to set which day of the week the event happens or more complex rules, such as every fourth Wednesday of each month.

You can also tell when the recurrence ends.


Trash bin

If you delete events, tasks, or a calendar in Calendar, your data is not gone yet. Instead, those items will be collected in a trash bin. This allows you to undo a deletion. After a period that defaults to 30 days (your administration may have changed this setting), those items will be deleted permanently. You can also permanently delete items earlier if you wish.


The Empty trash bin buttons will wipe all trash bin contents in one step.


The trash bin is only accessible from the Calendar app. Any connected application or app won’t be able to display its contents. However, events, tasks and calendars deleted in connected applications or app will also end up in the trash bin.

Automated User Status

When you have a calendar event scheduled that has a “BUSY” status, your user status will be automatically set to “In a meeting” unless you have set yourself to “Do Not Disturb” or “Invisible”. You can overwrite the status with a custom message any time, or set your calendar events to “FREE”. Calendars that are transparent will be ignored.

Responding to invitations

You can directly respond to invitations inside the app. Click on the event and select your participation status. You can respond to an invitation by accepting, declining or accepting tentatively.


You can respond to an invitation from the sidebar too.


Availability (Working Hours)

The general availability independent of scheduled events can be set in the groupware settings of Hub. These settings will be reflected in the free-busy view when you schedule a meeting with other people in Calendar. Some connected clients like Thunderbird will show this data as well.


You can configure one-time absences on top of your regular availability in the Absence settings section.

Birthday calendar

The birthday calendar is an auto-generated calendar that will automatically fetch the birthdays from your contacts. The only way to edit this calendar is by filing your contacts with birthday dates. You can not directly edit this calendar from the calendar-app.



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