Modifying Templates in ‘Campaigns’
Click on Campaigns > Campaigns and create a new campaign. At template stage, choose the template you
imported into ‘My Gallery’. We will begin by editing some of the text as completed in the Templates area.
In the text of the following – ‘Title’, ‘Asset-title’, ‘Content1’, ‘Asset_item1’, ‘Asset_item2’, ‘Asset_item3’
and ‘Asset_item4’ each of those can be highlighted and typed with new words.
Replacing text in the WYSIWYG editor is almost as simple as using Word, Notepad or any other text editor with
some of the same features of the icons to use. In the modification below, the text has been replaced except for the
image titles. NOTE: It is highly recommended during your editing, that you save your template periodically by
clicking on the ‘Save template changes’ button below the editor window. You will remain on the page after saving.
This will prevent any browser freeze up from losing your work.
The red highlighted are some of the most common icons you will use.
The top arrow circled in red is the Undo button. Anytime you don’t like something you just did, no matter what
change – text, image, link or other, you can easily click on the arrow and you will step back the last change. You
may also step back multiple times.
The format lines circled in red justifies text from the left border to the right border. The font Size button is
highlighted. This may be used often when you paste in text. Sometimes you will find text size formatting is applied
from the clipboard so you will have to highlight the text and change the size.
NOTE: It is recommended if you have different size text in a line or more that has been pasted, highlight the entire
paragraph, click the ‘Format’ button, remove formatting and then apply the Font, Size and Style you want. This
will preserve better coding in the source code.
Before showing how to add/modify images, the ‘trick’ is to appropriately present your images in the correct widthheight
that is visually presentable. There are a number of ways to modify the size of your images in a template.
• Crop the image to the size you wish prior to uploading
• After uploading, and before inserting, change the image size in the Image Properties box
• After inserting, highlight the image and grab a corner or side anchor and drag to change size
• After inserting, highlight the image, right click on the image and click on Image Properties
• If you know html code, change the size in the Source html code
If you do not have a fully featured image program such as Photoshop there are downloadable programs just for
image resizing – and
A popular online image resizer is
If you want a well-designed program at no cost, the Gimp Image Manipulation Program should do everything you
need for applying your images to templates.
NOTE – A word about image preparation, specifically shooting images and cropping. If you are going on location
and shooting products such as real estate properties, boats, cars or other, the temptation is to zoom in and ‘crop’
your image in the lens. I strongly recommend taking a number of pictures with a large amount of space around the
product. You’ll find it is much easier to resize/re-crop images at various sizes by having that extra space.
The following image modifications will be completed on the Main Image and Image 1, Image 2 and Image 3. The
Main Image in the template has a size of 500 x 235 pixels and Image 1, 2 and 3 are 200 x 133 pixels.
To change existing template images, click on the image with your mouse to highlight it. Delete the image.
With the cursor still in the image position you deleted, click on the image icon.
The image properties box will be displayed. You must choose your image. Whether your image is on the server already or you need to upload it, you must click on the ‘Browse Server’ button.
The Filemanager box will appear with a number of available icon tools. In this example, the image does not exist
yet on the server. NOTE: You will be able to create folders for organization under ‘Home’ and any existing files
will appear in the main body area. By clicking on the ‘Upload’ icon (at top in red) this will pop up a ‘File Upload’
Choose the folder location of the image to upload and double-click on image to choose it or highlight it and click
The image will upload and appear in the main file area. Once in the file area, click on the image.
It now appears in the Image Properties box originally opened. The image will appear in the preview window.
Sometimes you may want to modify/add/delete some of the settings here. You can always come back to this
properties box.
The image now appears, replacing the original template image.
In this example, if you wanted the image width to match the white Title background, highlight the
image by clicking on it, and grab either the side or corner anchors and readjust the size.
If you resize by the left or right anchor, it will just resize the width.
If you resize by the top or bottom anchor, it will just resize the height.
If you resize by a corner anchor, it will resize both the width and height. In this example the corner
was used. After adjusting visually with the anchors, if you like the image size and would want to use it for
future use in modifying your images prior to upload, just right click on the image, choose
Image Properties and the Image Properties box will pop up showing the image width and height it
was modified to. Click anywhere outside of the image area, the
anchors disappear and your image will be displayed correctly.
Now, do the same as completed above with each of the Image 1, 2 and 3 images. Highlight, delete, choose the
image icon, Browse server, click on the upload image, and choose the image to insert. Each of the images in this
example are 200 x 133 pixels.
The finished campaign below. Once you have modified several you’ll find it to be very easy. You’ll also find that
the text and image preparation will take most of your time once you have the templates modified the way you like.