Adding Your Custom Domain to Your Hub for Teams


To add your own custom domain to Hub for Teams or your provided Hub Email.


  1. Go to your client portal and click on your Hub for Teams service under the "My Services Section"


2. Click on Go to Hub Domains

Note: If you do not have this option available. Please learn how to enable it here.



3. Create New



4. Add your domain name


5. Copy the TXT record. Go to your domain registrar and add this to the domains DNS record as a TXT record.

Note: Depending on your domain registrars settings you may need to place the full domain name "" or @ in the Name field.



6. Go back to the Liberation Client portal and select "Verify Ownership"

Note: At this point your domain is verified. If you would like to create your user accounts or migrate your email, you can do so at this time. Once you are ready to begin sending and receiving emails to your Hub Email, proceed the the next step.


7. Now add the remaining records to your domain DNS, like you did with the verification record.


8. You can now send and receive emails from your Hub Email.


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