How to optimise website content for SEO?


  1. Use titles and subtitles on your pages:
    • Use headers to create better textual content;
    • Choose text and on top toolbar choose "Edit Text". Choose heading type;
    • Each page can have only one H1, it is title of your page;
    • H2 and H3 tags is for new sections and subsections;
    • Key phrases should be included in heading.
  2. Use alternative text for images:
    • Before uploading image change name of file to better represent image;
    • Space bar needs to be changed to hyphen in file name (e.g., "good-day.jpg");
    • Add image;
    • On right toolbar add "Alternative Text".
  3. Add elements names:
    • Add element;
    • Scroll down to "Advanced" in right toolbar and add "Anchor name".
  4. Add links:
    • Highlight text and press icon in main toolbar;
    • In "Link properties" choose type of link;
    • Click "Apply".
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