Audriga self-service migration: quick guide


1. Preparation

You need to have/create an email account in your Liberation Client Dashboard. Please make sure that you have the account credentials (username and password) for your current and new email account at hand. We recommend that you set temporary passwords for the time of your migration.




2. Using the migration link

Login to your Liberation Client portal and select manage next to Audriga Migration Tool

Click View Keys


Copy the URL


Paste the url in a new tab


Accept the terms of service and the privacy statement, and Proceed.




3. Select your current and new email provider



Select your current provider (also see [1]) and your new provider.

Under Additional information, provide a valid email address for status notifications in order to be able to follow your migration job’s progress. Click Proceed.



4. Add accounts

Enter your account credentials (same as used when accessing the account via your Webmailer).



For the current as well as for the new provider/account: Click on Check to verify the credentials. If the data is correct, a green check will appear. If the credentials are incorrect, a red cross will be displayed. Click Confirm.




Anaccountcheck isdone.After you see the green you can click Proceed.


5. Start migration

The following screen shows a summary of your configuration.


To pay for the migration, you can either use Paypal or enter a voucher code. In case you have set up your migration with a pre-configured link by Liberation, payment might not be required.

Then click on Start Migration to proceed.



6. Monitor migration process

The final screen (status page) shows the progress of your email migration. It may take a while until the migration is started. Also note, that migrating large volumes of data may take some hours. You will receive a status email when the migration process starts and after it has finished. This email also contains a link to the status website.


7. After completion of the migration job

The migration job link is active for 14 days.



On the right-hand side you can access a Protocol for each account, please check the results.




8. Delta migration

When you transfer a domain to your new provider or update the MX record to point to your new provider, emails may still be routed to the old provider for some time. In order to transfer these emails into your new account we offer a delta migration feature which can be used after the initial migration has finished and after the domain transfer/DNS change is effective.

Allow some time for the DNS cache propagation (recommended: 24 h - 48 h). To start a delta migration, click Start delta migration. All emails which arrived in the old account after the


initial migration is finished and will now be copied. Again, you will receive notification emails about the status of your delta migration. The delta is available once and up to 14 days after your main migration.



[1] Additional information: Add provider or server

Should you miss your provider’s entry, you can also choose Add missing provider or server

and configure your mailserver yourself.

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