
Change the time of breakout rooms

Change the time of breakout rooms You can now easily change the duration of a breakout room to a...

Clear the public chat

  Only moderators have the ability to clear the public chat. All users in Hub Video have the...

Create and manage breakout rooms

Hub Video provides Breakout rooms as an additional means of student engagement; use breakout...

End meeting on logout

  Moderators in Hub Video have the ability to end the current meeting on logout for all users....

Give/take presenter role

By default, the first moderator in the session is made the presenter. Any moderator can...

How Do I Unlock Viewers?

During a Hub Video session, the instructor can re-enable these features (such as enabling...

How many webcams can I share in a meeting?

Hub Video is not designed as a purely video conferencing application, but rather it focuses on...

Learning Analytics Dashboard

What Is Hub Video’s Learning Analytics Dashboard? While accessing and...

Lock viewer's ability to use their mic/webcam/chat/shared notes

As a moderator, you have the ability to restrict or "Lock" the viewer's ability to access...

Manage Users

As a moderator you have the ability to manage viewers in your live session through the users...

Promote/demote/remove a user

As a moderator, you are able to promote or demote other viewers' role status in the live...

Propagate layout to all participants

Propagate layout to all participants Moderators can propagate their layout to all...

Start and stop recording

When a Hub Video conference/activity is enabled for recording, the Moderator can engage...

Use Closed Captions

  If you are using the Chrome browser, you can set it to Auto Caption You can set the Chrome...