When the presenter enables the multi-user whiteboard, all users in the Hub Video session can annotate the whiteboard simultaneously.


Once the presenter has engaged the multi-user capabilities, the whiteboard controls will appear to the right hand side in the presentation area.


By default the Pencil [1] tool is enabled; you can use the other whiteboard controls to change the Thickness [2] and Colour [3] of the line.


To draw on the presentation select and drag the mouse button to draw a line.


You can Undo last annotation [4] made or Clear all annotations [5] while the multi-user whiteboard is enabled. 

It is important to note that once the presenter turns the multi-user capabilities off they can clear the whiteboard marks made by others when it was enabled. 


Select the Pencil to display the other available whiteboard tools, which include:

  • Text input [2]
  • Line [3]
  • Ellipse [4]
  • Triangle [5]
  • Rectangle [6]
  • Pencil [default]
  • Pan/pointer [7] 


To write on the presentation, select the Text Input [2] tool and draw a rectangle.  The rectangle will be the text area.

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