Welcome to Hub for Teams

This document will cover setting up your Hub for Teams account and profiles

  1. First, you will need to login to your Client Portal located HERE. If this is your first time logging into the client portal, look for a welcome email from us containing the login link.
  2. Once you are logged into your client portal, click on services.

  3. Once your services are displayed, select "Hub for Teams".


  4. You will now see 4 steps to get started.


  5. Step #1, You will need to activate your services, Click “Go to Services” in the first box and select "Activate" on the next screen.


  6. Create a name for your organization, and click “Check Availability”. If that name is available, click “activate”.


  7. Step #2 is optional, by default, you can use liberation.email or libereationmail.com. If you would like to use your own domain for email services, select “Hub Domain” and select “Create New”.


  8. Add your domain.


  9. Once you add your domain, you may be asked to verify your domain by adding a TXT record to your DNS.

NOTE: if you see your domain name next to the name category like in next image, use the “@” symbol instead when adding the records to your DNS.


  10. Once you verify your ownership of your domain, you will see a new set of DNS records that you need add to your DNS.

  1. NOTE: If you see your domain name next to the name category like in next image, use the “@” symbol instead when adding the records to your DNS
  2. NOTE: Once you add these records, all emails will begin going to your Hub for Teams account. If you want to migrate your emails first, please proceed to the next step to finish setting up your accounts, and come back to this section when you are ready.


 11. Once all of your records are active, you can create your user accounts, go to “User Accounts” and click on “Create New”.


 12. Fill out the required information and click “Next”.


  13. Select the license type you would like to assign to your new user.


  14. Once you create a user you can edit their license using the pen icon, change the password with the key icon, and disable the user with the silhouette icon.


  15. When you select edit user and select the email tab, you can edit storage quotas, create aliases, and set up forwarders.


  16. Forwarders are optional and are email addresses that do not have a mailbox but allow for you to use info@ or support@ email addresses on your website. To create a forwarder, go to “Forwarders” and select “Create New”.

  1. NOTE: You should only use forwarders if you are using your own domain for Hub for Teams.


  17. Fill in the information and click next to add the destination email that the forwarders will send incoming emails to.


You are now set up on Hub for Teams!

You can now log in to Hubforteam.com to begin Liberating your Digital World.

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